Saturday, 5 May 2012

linking with other agendas

Sarah Fahmy recent produce a blog posting "How to feed, nourish and sustain your digital resources about Digitisation of resources, which I think certain links in with the focus of this blog.

Resources that are already digitised such as websites still need to be preserved in some form after funding for the sites has dried up. This is especially true, in my opinion, for publicly funded projects - we have all paid for them so shouldn't they be available? This mostly overlooked area of how do we keep web resources available sustainably (often hosted-freely) and what compromises do we need to make I feel needs more consideration. Should we have ways of preserving a person's and organisation's digital legacy even when they do no longer exist.

This work has been supported by funding from JISC. The site can be viewed at or Survey about this material can be found at: please feel free to fill it in or

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